Beyond the Wheel | Splend On-Demand News February 2023
Our monthly news summary pulls together the latest ridesharing and on-demand driving updates so you’re always on top of your game. Here’s what happened in February.
Have you considered the switch to an EV?
There are a lot of myths circulating about driving an EV, most of which are based on early EV models. But if you look at the facts, making the switch might actually be the right decision for you. Not only do you get a unique driving experience, charging these days is easier than you think, and it generally leaves more money in your pocket.
Find out all the benefits you have by switching to an EV
Want to keep more of your earnings? Learn how to reduce fuel consumption
Whether you’re worried about fuel costs or want to minimise the environmental impact of driving, we have some great tips to reduce your fuel consumption. Small changes to the way you drive and taking more care of your car can have a significant impact on reducing your fuel costs.
Learn some tips to reduce your fuel consumption
Meet the Kia Niro Plus Hybrid, a car specifically designed for rideshare driving
The purpose-built, low-emission Kia Niro Plus Hybrid is the perfect choice for rideshare drivers who want to take their careers to the next level. Specifically designed for the taxi and rideshare industry, it comes with everything an on-demand driver could dream of — fuel economy, space, comfort, and low running costs.
Read more about the Kia Niro Plus Hybrid
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If you’re happy with Splend and want your friends or family to enjoy the same benefits, share your unique experience and personalised code with them, and we’ll reward you per referral!