Beyond the Wheel | Splend On-Demand News July 2021
In our monthly news summary, we pull together the latest ridesharing and on-demand driving updates so you’re always on top of your game. Here’s what’s happened in July:
Support package from NSW Government
Did you know that the NSW Government is providing support for small businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19 over the last 12 months? If you live in the area and are eligible, don’t hesitate to sign up.
We’ll keep you updated with the latest Government news, no matter the area, so keep an eye out for these monthly updates.
We now offer free Uber sign-up support
At Splend, we’re Uber specialists and we can help new on-demand drivers get started with ridesharing without too much fuss. Once you’re ready to drive with Uber, you can come to us and we’ll manage all the paperwork for you, free of charge, so you can do what you do best – drive.
Increase your earnings with Uber Eats or other delivery services
We’re all waiting for the lockdown to end, so we can get our lives back on track, but until then there’s always a way to keep on earning and thriving. Here’s a guide we put together to help you understand how delivery services work and why now is a good idea to be a part of them.