Dynamic Pricing - Terms and Conditions
Vehicles available from only $209* per week, depending on your Uber driving history, chosen kilometre allowance and vehicle utilisation.
The prices displayed are the lowest price possible, not guaranteed and will vary between individual drivers based on factors that may impact maximum discount possible for each individual driver, including:
Vehicle make and model, and
Stock availability, and
Kilometre inclusions, and
Driving history of the driver, and
Total number of trips taken on Uber platform, and
The maximum discount available to an individual driver is derived upon after taking into consideration each of the above variables, after receiving driver details.
Dynamic pricing subject to change at any time.
Dynamic pricing offer only valid while stocks last.
Dynamic prices on Splend’s Flexi cars are valid between 15 Jan 2024 and 30 Apr 2024.
The Dynamic Pricing offer may be extended at the sole discretion of Splend.